Thursday, May 15, 2008


I can't believe how time goes by so quickly! It seems like a few short days ago that I was bringing Logan home from the hospital, and now Conley is already SIX months old! I can't believe it! Here's a short little clip of him rolling over the other day. He has just recently decided that maybe it's okay to be on his belly! He's so fun to just sit and watch. He has so much personality in his little body! He has such a sweet little spirit! Just so loving and cuddly! I love that he is a snuggler! Neither of the other two would snuggle when they were little, but Conley loves to snuggle with Mom!! And Mom's just need that!


Bridi said...

This was so much fun to look at. I can't believe how big your kids are getting, I could hardly recognize them. Tanni kept asking where Logan was. She really didn't believe it was him. So fun, they are so cute!

McKelle said...

Oh my gosh, he's soooo big and cute! I see alot of Doug in him too! Yeah for the roll over Conley!!