Monday, September 1, 2008

ouR LuCK!

Well, Logan had his first day of KiNDeRGaRTeN on August 22! That morning before I took him to school, I noticed that his head (between his eyes) was a bit swollen. WeiRD! So, I continued to watch, and it continued to swell. By the time I left him and school, I was a little concerned - to say the least. But, I remembered about a year ago when my nephew had the same thing happen to him. It was all froma bug bite, and it just so happened that Logan had a bug bite on his forehead. By the next morning, the swelling had moved from his forehead to his eyelids, and by Sunday it was below his eyes. We're glad that's over!! But besides the swollen head, Logan loved his FiRST DaY of SCHooL!!

Logan loves to ride his bike to school! I had to run to keep up...okay so I didn't really keep up, but I gave it a good effort!!

Here is Logan after school with his classmates!

Well, as some of you may know, Tayvi has a little problem with passing out. She passes out sometimes when she gets really upset or hurt, especially when she's overly tired! Well, the other day, she was sad that Kodi and Jasa were leaving. She was standing by their car crying, so I looked out to see what was going on. That was when I saw her tip her head back (trying to get some air), so I ran for her, but didn't make to her until she had kissed the black top of the parking lot! She got a cut above her lip, and knocked her teeth pretty hard...notice the litttle chip on her left side! YuCK...not fun! A pretty crazy week! Like I've said before...NeVeR a DuLL MoMeNT at our house!!

All I can say is OUCH!!

I don't have a picture of this yet, but Conley now has TWo NeW TeeTH!! He is just growing up way too fast...