Monday, November 24, 2008


I am thankful for HEALTH!! I know I shouldn't even say it, because once I do it will jinx us, but oh well!! Every one in our home is healthy right now, and I am so grateful for that!! I hate when we all start getting little colds, and flu bugs! Truthfully, I am extremely lucky to be one of those people who rarely get sick, which is awesome...but even worse than getting sick is having one of your kids get sick! So here's to a Healthy Holiday Season!!! Hopefully we can keep the bugs away! :)


The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Ohhhh, Jaley! I hope you don't get our horrible bug. Lilly is doing better but I have a horrible, nasty cough. STAY HEALTHY! :)

Mills said...

I completely agree! How grateful I am when everyone is healthy in our family. Usually it is one of those things that you don't realize is a blessing unless you or someone you love is sick. Really, be healthy is such a huge blessing.

Charlotte said...

How funny that we put the same thing!!! and within an hour, i promise I didn't copy you. i guess it really is something to be thankful for.

Clayton, Candice, Kesler, Kase and Kannon said...

Hey Jaley, I love your blog and your photography blog, you are truly talented! Hope you are doing good. Your kids are getting so big, they are so cute! Keep in touch! Candice

Anonymous said...

I am just getting over a nasty bug so I hear ya on that one!!